
General Rules of Little Nippon.
It cannot be stressed strongly enough that Tengu ruled Little Nippon has a strict
rule of conduct, some rules are religion based, others are to ensure the citadel
remains safe and protected at all times. If all stay within these rules there is, of
course, no need for concern.
The Tengu worship their living ancestor Lord Kitaru, who resides in his palace within
the city. Our Lord and the Tengu command the greatest respect is shown to him and
his wishes at all times. As Scouts Guild Masters and members you too will be
afforded the same respect.

Before coming to Little Nippon it is necessary to inform the Tengu of your intended
visit. You will contact a high ranking Tengu, preferably T'Pau YinShang or Tsunami
Lao. If you already have a Tengu withyou in your travelling group there is no need to
inform of your wish to visit. Even Unicorn faction members require to inform us of
their visit, we are not discriminatory, all must adhere to the same rule.
Transport Circle: Our transport circle is guarded by elite Tengu guards at all times,
they are under instruction to see that nobody enters our city unannounced. If you
have no Tengu in your travelling party then one will meet you here. You will notice that
you are underground, only the guards and Tengu know the way, there is a myriad of
tunnels only one will take you to Little Nippon's outer wall. At this wall there is also
another guard.

Over seas: Little Nippon has both a trading harbour and shipyard, to enter the
harbour there is again a strict method. Your vessel will wait in view of the lighthouse
outside the harbour. A pilot vessel will be sent to escort you safely through the
sandbanks and rocky outcrops, as you sail in you will notice many shipwrecks along the
coast and realise just how perilous it would be to attempt to navigate this channel
unaided. Any attempts to sail in without permission will be seen as an act of
aggression and responded to accordingly.

Over land: From the western forests of Teutonia you may find yourself at the walls
of Little Nippon and the Eastern gate, announcing your name and intention will ensure
you are escorted into the city. Do Not attempt to climb the walls, this too will be
regarded as an act of aggression and responded to accordingly.

Inside Little Nippon: Whilst in our city a Tengu guide will be allocated to you or your
group. You will not go anywhere without this guide unless Lord Kitaru, Tsunami Lao or
T'Pau Yin Shang have given you permission. This guide is there to help you in any way
they can as well as ensure that you respect local customs and beliefs, this also applies
to the Scouts Guildhouse and bungalows. The guide will be available at any time of the
day or night so if you wish to visit the Geisha district and Tea Houses you only have
to ask.
The basic rules that all will be made aware of and expected to comply with are:
Each person will wash daily at the well in the Guildhouse courtyard before breakfast.
Each person will take off their shoes before entering any building, all footwear is
safely stored.
Each person will wear clean attire daily, we have a laundry service that will efficiently
wash and dry all clothing, and provide new clothes if necessary.
Each person will show respect for our temples, shrines and gardens.
Any other issues regarding conduct will be dealt with as they arise by your guide.

Please note - there is only one form of punishment here in Little Nippon, as stated by
Lord Kitaru, and that is public execution. This is not a threat, merely a way of life
that we are accustomed to and you will be too in a short time. We make no secret of
this and therefore feel you are duly warned.

Anyone wishing to see a public execution may attend them in execution square, your
guide will be pleased to show you. It is sometimes the only chance many of the city's
inhabitants get to see Lord Kitaru and Kane Fu.
Please Note: There is only one form of punishment in
our city for misdemeanour.

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