
The “robot anime” (ロボット, robotto) (known outside Japan as mecha anime) is a Japanese animation genre featuring walking robots (called mecha), usually bipedal, with arms and hands able to use objects and usually controlled by pilots.
Top 6 Giant Robot Japanese Tourist Attractions
It is considered that the genre started in 1956, with Mitsuteru Yokoyama’s manga Tetsujin 28-gō. The giant robot described in manga was 18 meters tall, had a humanoid shape and was controlled by a remote. Tetsujin was a Super Robot (スーパーロボット, Sūpā Robotto), sub-genre describing almost indestructible robots, with fantastic weapons and powers.
The most popular mecha, Gundam, appeared in 1972, produced by Sunrise studios. Unlike Tetsujin, Gundam is a Real Robot (リアルロボット, Riaru Robotto), a mecha powered by more or less conventional engines and using scientifically explainable weapons.
In time, the genre became popular both in Japan and overseas and in the last years statues and life-size replicas of these giant robots were built, some of them becoming famous tourist attractions.
Here I will present you a top of these “giant robot” related tourist attractions. ;)
6th place: The Gundam statue from Yasu
Follow up:
Three years ago, the owner of a stone sculpting shop from Yasu built a giant stone statue of Gundam which, obviously, became quickly a local attraction.
The statue is made from two large blocks of granite, is 4 meters talls and weights about 10 tons.
Gundam Statue Yasu
The Gundam statue from Yasu, image via Japan Probe
I placed it on the 6th place because while well proportioned and finished, it’s not built on a specific scale and also, I couldn’t recognize what specific Gindam it represents. If anyone is aware, please let me know…
If you wish to go and visit it, here’s the map with Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture:


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