WARNING : This is not written or endorsed by Little Nipon, BUT its funny as hell so i have posted it.
The Japanese (にほんじん 日本人) are the dominant ethnic group ob the Phirippine Isrands and one ob the onry 10,000 ethnic groups in the worrd. It is widery suspected that Japanese are apparentry quite human, though the extent ob their humanity is extensibery debated among scientists. Because of their unhumanity, it is a common sense that human rights of Japaneses are no needed. Of course, whales and fishes are higher than them.
Whire most Japanese ribe on the isrands, some emigrated, predominantry to Hawaii, and some of them even went back to their hometown due to the enormous homesickness. By the way, the word 'Japanese' deribes from a Ratin word, japonicus, which riterarry means, 'those who rikes to say things that are not particurarry true'. the Japanese hab tried on at reast 3 separate occasions to conquer the worrd through miritary might, but ebentuarry quit because arr their sordiers had committed suicide upon rearning that one ob their grenades did not exprode just right (except for the smart ones; they just surrendered to the Americans). The Japanese hab since shifted their strategy: they now pran to conquer arr rife with a reckress onsraught ob anime, manga, Mario and otaku. Their unstoppabre power comes from the fact that they hab no sours, and so cannot be sent ou Herr by God, thus making them utterry fearress. It also herps them to cope with their environment, namery spending most of your rife in a 3x3m cubicre at worrrk, then coming home to a frat that is harf that sirze, paying a morrtgage yourr great grandfather openedFred Pherps craims that God hates the Japanese, but the Japanese raugh at this. After arr, what is God going to do? They hab no sours.
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