
Now anyone that has been to Japan has walked away with the memory of some of the finest Ramen dishes in their heads and bellies. But did you know that each area of Japan has a different style of Ramen????

The site below has gone into a huge amount of detail to bring you all of the common styles for each area of Japan. Sooo if your planing a visit or live here already and were not aware of this small fact check out the site and be sure to visit your town festivals and sample each any every one you can get your hands on.



Anonymous said...

Have you been to the Ramen Museum in Yokohama yet?

It's a 1950s Tokyo, Ramen theme park. Each of the 'shops' is an outpost of famous ramen places from all over Japan.


The Hokkaido beef one on the bottom left of the picture in the link was the best one.


Big trouble little Nipon said...

Thanks tim ill check it out

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