
YouTube - MANGAentertainment's Channel

Ok .... so basically  if you like anime then you will love Manga ... and Manga entertainment channel provides hundreds of free manga videos in English. I love this place because i was able to find my all time favourite show from when i was a kid... ROBOTECH....

This battle robot plane kicks the S**T out of transformers ... and the ROBOTECH movie being produced by Tobey Maguire is sure to blow transformers out of the water. This is just hearsay at the moment but i do hope for the reality (GEEK!) Robotech Movie with Toby Maguire..


Big trouble little Nipon said...


Anonymous said...

Please don't confuse Macross with Robotech, it's like confusing "Perfectly Legal" with "International Copyright infringment". They aren't close in quality, but freaking identical twins in story.

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